NGstudy is a global accreditation body for negotiation certifications. It has authored "A guide to the Negotiation Body of Knowledge" or NBOK™ Guide that provides comprehensive framework for conducting successful negotiations. NGstudy combines modern technology with innovative methods of course delivery to simplify Negotiation concepts. Our courses are comprehensive learning programs with high quality videos, real life case studies, study guides, flashcards, chapter tests, role plays, and more. NGstudy works through its large global partner network of Authorized Training Providers (A.T.P.s) to deliver trainings and certifications. NGstudy also offers various certification exams based on the NBOK® Guide. Professional Level Certifications (NGstudy Certified Negotiation Professional)—The certification exams are proctored and candidates have two hours to complete each exam. The prerequisite is an understanding of all the inputs, tools, and outputs for each process relevant to single-issue negotiation. There is no work experience requirement and no mandatory educational hours in addition to the recommended study. Online Courses : 100+ courses - Videos, Study Guides - Chapter Tests - Important terms and concepts - SMstudy Mobile App Cerification Exam : 100 multiple choice questions, 120 minutes duration, Proctored online exam, One mark awarded for every right answer, No negative marks for wrong answers, Current Pass Rate: 98%, e-Certificate

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